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Do you weight grades?
What if I'm absent?

If you know that you will be absent on the day an assignment is due, you must make arrangements with the teacher prior to the absence to ensure that you get full credit.  Extensions on certain assignments are available.  Talk to me about it and we can make arrangements.  In the case of an unforeseen absence, all projects, because so much time is given to prepare them, will be due the day that you return. Late projects will be deducted 10% per day that they are late.    

Is there group work?


  • You will be working in groups of 4 to complete classwork, and unit projects.

  • Each member of your group must complete three activities per day in order to be ready for the center table activities.  Help each other!  Share notes!  Correct each other's work. Make sure you are ALL ready together and ALL working hard.  

  • If you notice a negative trend in your group regarding people not pulling their weight and not participating fully, please let me know right away so I can adjust your group.  

  • If each member of your group reaches their personal participation goal, you will each be awarded extra credit. 

Do you give homework?

I generally do not assign a specific homework assignment.  Your homework is simply to complete any unfinished work from class so that each day you can present me three activities at the end of the period for stamping. 

What are calaveras?

Calaveras are little tokens that you need to earn daily by speaking in Spanish.  Each student is given a personal participation goal based on his/her ability.  Once a student reaches his or her goal, I increase the goal to keep challenging and pushing my students towards becoming conversational in Spanish.  The more you speak the better.  If students earn extra calaveras they will receive extra credit (max 10) any calaveras above that will be rolled over to the next unit of participation to help toward achieving their new higher goal.  

WARNING : It is possible to lose calaveras if I see that you are not working or are off task.  


  • Grading will occur on a variety of assignments including writing, worksheets, oral presentations, quizzes, tests, participation and group projects.

  • Please check Aeries frequently to check your grade and make sure everything is accurate.    

  • Keep all of your papers as evidence of your work.

  • If you have a question or concern about your grade you must make an appointment. Do not ask about your grade during class.  An appropriate time to make an appointment is during passing period, before or after class.  

  • Standard Grading Scale will be used in this class:                                                                               

                 90-100=A    80-89=B      70-79=C      60-69=D       0-59=F

  • Papers with no name will result in no credit unless they are identified satisfactorily.







Yes, Assignments fall into the following five categories:  


  • Projects and Quizzes 50%

  • Participation 25%

  • Practice and Application 10%                                      

  • Final Exam 15%






Frequently Asked Questions

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