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Calaveras are little skulls that you can earn by speaking in Spanish and completing practice activities each day.  Since everyone is starting out at a different level of fluency I will help you set individual participation goals for each unit.  You will be graded against your own participation goal always striving to beat your personal record of calaveras earned.  If everyone in your group reaches their personal goal then you will each receive extra credit points to give you a boost for the next unit. 

Speak in Spanish at every opportunity

Try to speak only in Spanish.  Use your smart phone to help you, but don't just read off of your phone.  Remember eye contact is important in a coversation. 

Complete practice activities

You must complete at least three practice activites from the current lesson each day.  I will give you one calavera for each activity and completing three will give you access to the center table activity where your ability to earn calaveras has no limit!!  

Push yourself to speak and do more!

Each lesson we will set a personal participation goal together. It will be based on your personal best score and will increase each time.  So if you start off with a goal of earning 30 calaveras, next lesson I will push you to earn 35.  Your classmate who might be more fluent than you could have a goal of 50 calaveras for the same lesson, while another, who is not so fluent as either of you, could have a participation goal of just 15.  Everyone learns at a different pace, so I will be grading you individually based on your own individual progress.  If you beat your personal participation goal the points you earn will be given to you as extra credit. If everyone in your group reaches their personal goal then you will each receive extra credit points to give you a boost for the next unit.  (max 3% of the grade as per department policy).

1 Calavera​
  • Correct your Study Buddy's activities

  • Draw to learn your vocabulary. I'll give you one calavera per set of drawings. This also counts as an activity during vocabulary lessons (1/2 page = 1 set)

  • Pick up ten little bits of trash from the floor (limit once per day).

  • Spot an error on the website or in the book and correct it.

5 Calaveras
  • Get 100% on your quizzes.

  • Speak in Spanish with Native Speakers out in the world while you are on vacation or in your daily life. Keep a log of your conversations and turn it in for 5 calaveras per interaction. Limit one per day

  • Watch a movie or YouTube video in Spanish and make a list of words you recognized/learned while watching as well as a little summary of what the video was about. 5 calaveras per video. Limit one per day

  • Help me make the tutorials better by finding a cool instructional video or online activity and sending me the link. If I like it I'll give you 5 calaveras.

  • Make our class better by making a great suggestion that I can incorporate into the class. If I like it I'll give you 5 calaveras.

Unlimited Calaveras​
  • Speak in Spanish at every opportunity with the teacher or with classmates. You don't need to be perfect, you just need to be brave.

Need More Calaveras?

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